Abaixo alguns livros do Prof Ph.D. Arthur Powell
Alguns estão esgotados no Brasil
A Escrita e o Pensamento MatematicoInterações e Potencialidades
Professores de matemática
brasileiros e de outros pa’ses têm questionado se e como a escrita pode servir
como veículo para os aprendizes explorarem suas idéias e seus raciocínios
matemáticos, ampliando-os. Nesse livro, os autores discutem como diferentes
tipos de tarefas escritas podem auxiliar no aprendizado matemático. Com foco na
aprendizagem matemática, no ensino e no desenvolvimento profissional, Arthur
Powell e Marcelo Bairral examinam algumas atividades que podem ser utilizadas em
sala de aula convencional ou em processos formativos a distância pela Internet.
Eles apresentam exemplos e analisam produções escritas para mostrar como
professores podem utilizar diferentes tipos de atividades escritas para
estimular os estudantes a refletir sobre suas experincias matemáticas. Também
são indicadas demandas de pesquisa relacionadas ao uso da escrita como veículo
para o aprendizado matemático.
Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education
At a time of rapid
demographic change and amidst the many educational challenges facing the US,
this critical new collection presents mathematics education from a culturally
responsive perspective. It tackles the most crucial issues of teaching
mathematics to an ethnically diverse school population, including the political
dimension of mathematics education within the context of governmental efforts to
improve achievement in school mathematics. Culturally Responsive Mathematics
Education moves beyond a point of view that is internal to mathematics education
as a discipline, and instead offers a broad perspective of mathematics as a
significant, liberating intellectual force in our society. The editors of this
volume bring together contributions from many of the leading teachers, teacher
educators, researchers, scholars, and activists who have been working to
reorient mathematics education in ways that reflect mathematics education as
accomplished, first and foremost, through human interactions.
Powell, A. B., & Bairral,
M. A. (2006). A escrita e o pensamento matemático: Interações e
potencialidades [Writing and mathematical thinking: Interactions and
potentialities]. Campinas, São Paulo: Papirus.
EthnomathematicsChallenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics
Presents the emerging field of
ethnomathematics from a critical perspective, challenging particular ways in
which Eurocentrism permeates mathematics education and mathematics in
This collection brings together classic, previously-published articles and
new research to present the emerging field of ethnomathematics from a critical
perspective, challenging particular ways in which Eurocentrism permeates
mathematics education. The contributors identify several of the field's broad
themes--reconsidering what counts as mathematical knowledge, considering
interactions between culture and mathematical knowledge, and uncovering hidden
and distorted histories of mathematical knowledge. The book offers a diversity
of ethnomathematics perspectives that develop both theoretical and practical
issues from various disciplines including mathematics, mathematics education,
history, anthropology, cognitive psychology, feminist studies, and African
studies written by authors from Brazil, England, Australia, Mozambique,
Palestine, Belgium, and the United States.
Powell, A. B., & Frankenstein, M. (Eds.). (1997). Ethnomathematics:
Challenging eurocentrism in mathematics education. Albany, New York: State
University of New York.
MathA Rich Heritage
Math: A Rich Heritage
helps all students, particularly African Americans and Latinos, establish a
personal and cultural connection with mathematics and learn how the choices they
make in school now can open the doors to higher education and the world of
work.:Click to Order:
Lumpkin, B., & Powell, A.
B. (1995). Math: A rich heritage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Globe